Recovery Guidelines

Training/ Nutrition/ Sleep:  Needs to be REPEATABLE + SUSTAINABLE = CONSISTENCY

Every athlete is different, it’s a moving target as athlete develops and changes.

Three Pillars to Recovery

  • Managing training stress load and overall life stress load

  • Nutrition

  • Sleep

Tracking Recovery

Morning resting heart rate:

Overall difficulty for the training (Rating of 1-10....1 nothing......5 easy, 7 moderate, 10 very difficult):

Overall life stress (Rating of 1-10....1 nothing......5 easy, 7 moderate, 10 very difficult):

Ability to complete the week as planned:

How well did you do in the following areas? (Rating of 1-10.....1 non-existent...... 5 poor, 7 moderate, 10 awesome)

Sleep quality:




Life Management (i.e. School/work/family stress):

Stretching/ Massage/ Body work care:

Fatigue level:

Muscle Soreness:

Willingness to train and execute sessions:

"If you overtrained, it means that you didn't train hard enough to handle that level of training, so you weren't overtrained: you were actually undertrained to begin with.” - Floyd Landis