Redirecting Negative Thinking

Those moments when we get in our own way! We’ve all been there, that internal dialog that we can’t seem to quiet or  direct in a way that helps us move forward. I created a simple format to try when you just can’t seem to stop those voices in your head from steering you away from your top performance. Give this simple exercise a try next time you find yourself in that position and see if things start to change for you. Eventually you’ll start recognizing when you are getting tripped up before it even starts to derail you and you’ll have the tools to get yourself right before going too far away from where you need to be to perform.

Using ONE word only to summarize each thought. NO sentences or paragraphs allowed. ONE WORD.

Column A: The negative word that summarizes what’s tripping you up.

Column B: Your combat word. This is a word that directly shifts your mindset from the negative thought.

NEGATIVE               /          COMBAT WORD

Once you have both lists, review on the negative list which of the thoughts and words are actually TRUE!! This is important!! 

IS IT TRUE!!!!????

If it is true then ask yourself how much POWER does this word or thought have or are you willing to give it?

Most of the time you’ll find you realize the negative thought if you really look at it isn’t actually TRUE. However, if it actually is true,  it’s up to you to decide how much POWER you give it. Redirect your thinking with a COMBAT word. 

The final step is taking a look at all these variables and identifying clearly what is in your CONTROL. 

I’ll give you an example:

Thought- “It’s going to be windy out.I’m going to die out in the wind because I suck in the wind and have a terrible workout.”

First, is it true it’s windy, YES. Second, is it true you’ll have a terrible workout? No, not if you control the things you CAN. For example you have control over your effort, your gearing, your position, things like this. You do NOT have control over the wind. 

Your negative words: Suck and Die. 

Your combat words: Strong and skilled.

Give these simple practices an honest effort over several scenarios. Over time you’ll start to realize when those thoughts creep in you’ll be well armed to redirect your thinking quickly. That thinking will turn into action, following that will be a successful workout, race, ect.

Your internal dialog can either help you, or hurt you. This is a set of clear instructions to help you waste less time on negative internal dialog and learn your own patterns. Just because something doesn't happen today doesn't mean that it's not going to happen ever, you’re working towards it. It’s absolutely key we don't decide the outcome before something even starts. Try these steps and see what changes for you.