Make Mistakes

Mistakes, how do we overcome them and move through them successfully.

Reflection is the key, not dwelling. You likely did the best you could with the information you had at the time. You couldn’t see that obstacle coming at the time.  How can you learn and really move forward?

What went wrong?

Was is over arrogance? Did you overestimate yourself or under estimate how difficult the task was going to be?

Ask yourself what can you do better next time? You might not know exactly what to do right away but you can rule out that what you just tried didn’t work and try something different next time.

What did you learn from this mistake?

What did you gain from your mistake? 

To gain a better understanding, spend your time reflecting on how to do better, rather then waisting your time beating yourself up.

Mistakes are part of the process. The way you respond to them is determines if you learn from them or if you’re just going to repeat them. 

  1. Admit your mistake. You can’t change it unless you acknowledge them.

  2. Look for explanations and not excuses. Looks for an explanation that allows you take responsibility for the mistake you made.

  3. Reframe your language around your mistake. No shame in mistakes!

  4. Set yourself up for success in the future.

  5. Establish a list of reasons why you don’t want to repeat that mistake. Focus on logic not emotions.

Mistakes are going to happen. Consider it a process of trial and error. Experiment with the changes you can make to help stop repeating them.  Mistakes are a normal part of growth. Grow in the direction you know is in line with the vision you have for your most successful self.

Mind, LifestyleMarilyn Chychota