Improve Your Sprinting, Speed and Power on the Bike

If you are planning some bike races or just want to improve your sprinting, speed and power here are a few things that will help you step it up. It's important to train your ability to accelerate a big gear, your absolute leg speed and top power and speed over short distance.

Here are three sessions that will help you.

Stomp Starts:

Warm up 15min

3 sets ( 4x 6 sec Stomp Start, one every 2min. Max acceleration in a big gear as you can handle) 4min easy between sets.

Cdwn as you feel.

Leg Speed session:

Neuromuscular Quickness - In this zone the load is extremely light. High smooth turnover is the target. Moving quickly and efficiently under very light load. High coordination is required in this zone.

5 minutes at 90rpm

4 minutes at 95

3 minutes at 100

2 minutes at 105

1 minute at 110+

repeat 3 times

**With very little resistance !


Warm-up: 20min easy;

- 5min, build to steady 80% ;

- 5min, easy ;

- 2 x [ 6 x 20sec sprint, as hard as you can, rpm 100+, gearing as heavy as you can handle and still maintain rpm 100+] ;

- 10min easy between sets. ;

Cool down: to total 90min ride time.

Cycle, TrainingMarilyn Chychota