Staying On Top of Change

Identify your pivot point:  ( A moment when you make a decision for change that will have a positive impact on your life)

List how you plan to take action: ( I recommend listing the first two steps you plan to take immediately)

Give yourself a time frame and deadline to see it through: ( I recommend keeping these deadlines within short achievable time frames) 

Rating Scale: Poor, Average, Excellent.

How would you rate the overall effort put forth towards the achievement of your goals?

How would you rate your consistency?

What is your rating of average attitude  over the last 30 days?

What percentage of what you set out to do did you complete?

Three examples of success this past month:




Why is this important and what are you fighting for? WHY!?

1. Name the adversity. ( What obstacles did you encounter over the last month that you did not anticipate) 




2. Make it worse. 




3. State how you solve it. 


