Swim Base 400's

The Base 400s Workout

Warm Up

200 swim-scull-swim-kick

4x 50 as 25 fast, 25easy on 15 seconds rest

4x 50 descend 1-5 (the first one is the slowest, then get a little faster each one after that) on 10 seconds rest

Base 400s Aerobic Set

3-8 x 5 minutes (or 400s, whichever comes first)

Do each 5-minute (or 400) segment at an even split and low aerobic heart rate. Just feel the “shape” of the set. It should not be too hard, but you will feel a load on your arms. Stroke rate and heart rate should stay consistent throughout each segment.

How many sets should you do? It depends on the time you have and your fitness. Just do 3 or 4 if you only have half an hour, or if you haven’t been swimming in a while. If you’re feeling strong, go for more!

Cool Down

8 x 25 as:

Evens: Stream line as far as possible and then swim easy smooth to finish

Odds: Kick on your back stretched out

10 seconds rest in between 25s

Extra Credit 

Check your stroke rate during the first 50 of each 5-minute segment (or 400) and the last 50. Your goal is to keep your stroke rate consistent both within each segment and throughout the entire set.

How to integrate this base 400s workout into a training plan

 “I like this set on a Monday after a hard weekend of training,” Chychota says. “This session can also aid in recovery while working on aerobic conditioning in the water.”

See th Triathlete Magazine version here: Base 400's - Triathlete Magazine

SwimMarilyn Chychota