Top Tips for Getting to Your Goals

Some things I believe help me achieve goals :

  1. A key lesson I learned was to pick TWO things. Pick two things you want to be REALLY good at. Not 10 things you are doing o.k. with or are "filling your time" with. But two key things you want to focus and achieve high standard at.

  2. Limit the amount of "stuff" you have to manage. An example I use is if you have 2 cars and a boat, but you really only use one car. You still have to upkeep the others even though you don't use them. Make a list of all the things you have to upkeep or manage that take your time that you really don't use. Then get rid of them. This free's up space, time, and money to use on the key area's you are aiming to achieve at a high standard.

  3. Less Talk and More Action! We often talk about the things we need to do, should do, want to do. Set out clear targets, timeline and a schedule with deadlines to take action and then stop talking, and get after it!!

  4. Always continue to be a student! I hear people say all the time they are an Expert, I personally hate that word. Soon as someone says they are an expert they are announcing they have closed the door to learning, they know it all. To me that is a sure sign they are limiting how much they will continue to grow in their field. Always be a student, not an expert.

  5. Work hard for a long time. Another word I don't particularly like is Talent. This word means nothing if you don't do anything with it. Some of the most Talented people are sitting on a couch doing nothing. Work Hard over a long period of time!! That is real "talent".

  6. My last note is on the overused word "Busy". It's common you ask someone how they are and they respond with , "Busy". Then if you were a fly on their shoulder for the day you'd see how much time is actually wasted. Set out a clear schedule each day. Note how much of your time you are spending feeling busy vrs actually being productive. Set up your day to be proactive and structured so when you have free time you really can relax and eliminate the false business.